Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Name (alphabetically) Lab e-mail address Telephone
Chalkiadakis George, Associate Professor Intelligent Systems gehalk@intelligence.tuc.gr +30 28210 37208
Dollas Apostolos, Professor Microprocessor and Hardware Laboratory dollas@mhl.tuc.gr +30 28210 37228
Kalaitzakis Kostas, Professor Electric Circuits and Renewable Energy Sources koskal@elci.tuc.gr +30 28210 37213
Koutroulis Eftihios, Associate Professor Electric Circuits and Renewable Energy Sources efkout@electronics.tuc.gr +30 28210 37233
Papaefstathiou Yannis, Associate Professor Microprocessor and Hardware Laboratory ygp@mhl.tuc.gr +30 28210 37542
Pnevmatikatos Dionysios, Professor Microprocessor and Hardware Laboratory pnevmati@mhl.tuc.gr +30 28210 37344
Stavrakakis George, Professor Electric Circuits and Renewable Energy Sources gstavr@electronics.tuc.gr +30 28210 37205